habitstion: a worship school



DESTINY CHURCH launched a FREE Worship School, this was Holy Spirit birthed & we are thrilled to be able to help launch the Bride into a deeper understanding of Priesthood, the harp in their heart & how to HOST Jesus through worship on a DAILY basis, beyond just "music." We have all original curriculum & pull on the depth of your prophetic song for your City. Worship leaders, we will teach you how to cultivate Heavenly atmospheres for your Sunday gatherings, regardless of the time allotted. In the end, the focus is the help the Bride KEEP their gaze on Jesus. These classes are designed for ALL Believers, no matter where you are in your walk with Jesus.

*The classes are done for the Summer, but we will keep you updated if we start again this year. The curriculum is available to you, to request email tx.destinychurch@gmail.com*